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The Good Things and the God Things: Part 3

My grandpa is almost 78 years old. He is my favorite person in the entire world. He is one of those older people that you look at and say, "Gee, he's cute." He may not want me to say that. I am sure that he would rather me say that he is very manly instead of cute, but I cannot help it. I just want to put him in my pocket and carry him around everywhere. He is so cute.

Anyway, a few weeks ago he went tubing. If you do not know what tubing is, that is okay. Let me enlighten you. It is pretty self explanatory. You get a tube, you set it in a river, you sit down in it, and you let the river take you downstream. So, my grandpa tried to get in his tube, but he did not sit down right, and he ended up missing the tube. He tried to tread water, but he could not seem to stay upright, and he started drowning. I was not there, but I am assuming that he was not drowning-drowning because I feel like at that point without intervention it would be too hard for him to recover himself without some assistance. When he was telling me this story, he said, "Everyone was just staring at me. The thing is, if I would have just let go of the tube, I could have stood up easily." Since obviously he lived to tell the story, he ended up getting in the tube and being perfectly fine.

I sometimes think that our lives can be like that. We start drowning, and if we would just let go of the things that we are holding onto we could just stand up and be okay. It is easier for us to take things on than to let go of them. Whether we latch onto things for prestige, friendship, money, or opportunity, we get worried that if we let go of the things we are holding onto, we will lose those other things that come along with them. Perhaps you won't, but then, maybe you will. I have let go of things, and I have lost those lovely things that come along with them; however, I have not drowned yet.

I want to leave you with this last thought.

"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me, and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me--watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me, and you'll learn to live freely and lightly" (Matthew 11:28-30, MSG).

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