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The Good Things and the God Things: Part 1

I got my license almost a year ago. Now, before I got my license, I was scared to drive (this is legitimate pull-the-car-over-I'm-crying scared). I'm not like that anymore. In fact, now, I love driving. Plus, I have discovered what is even scarier than driving a car, and that is losing your keys. I remember one day I slept in an extra five minutes, and because of it, I was a little behind in getting to school. So, I got dressed, grabbed my backpack and my cup of Cheerios (I never leave the house without my Cheerios. Remember: breakfast is the most important meal of the day.), and I raced out the door. I went to school in San Marcos, so it usually took about 17 minutes to get to school. I got there, turned the car off, grabbed my backpack, and locked my car. I have an old car, so I had to reach over on the door and lock it manually. Then, I ran upstairs and made it to my class as the bell was ringing. Technically, I was not late. I went back to my car later to go to my Spanish class that I was taking at a community college, and I realized that not only had I locked my keys in the car, but I left them in the ignition. So, I caught a ride with my friend who happened to be taking the same class. After the class, I got my mom to drive me back to my car and unlock it for me because she had the spare key. I went to my youth group that night, got home at 10:30 pm, stayed up late doing homework, and then I remembered that I had a meeting before school the next morning; however, I ended up sleeping in a little bit. So, I raced to school, got there right on time, and then, when it was time to leave, I walked outside to go to my class, and my keys the ignition.

Good news- that was the only time that happened that semester, but it's a wonder that it did not happen more. See, I can get a little scatter brained, and if I do not write everything down, I will forget about it, and I really lived my life in a scattered way this past year. I was never home, I slept weird hours, I ate most of my meals in my car, and I was pretty much always working on something. I really did not have any off-days. It was crazy, but it was fun; I got to do a lot of really neat things, and God has used me, and it has been great.

A few days ago, I was thinking back on this past year, and I realized something-- I have been so focused on letting God speak through me that I have not let Him speak to me.

I love to laugh, and so, of course one of my favorite stories in the Bible makes me laugh. I think God likes to laugh. After-all, we were made in His image, and we like it, so I imagine that He likes it too. Anyway, there was this kid named Samuel and this guy named Eli. Just to put things into today's perspective, Eli was like a pastor, and Samuel was like his intern. So, the two of them were at the church, and they were napping. Let me just say, these two are my kind of people. Samuel was there, napping, and all of a sudden, he heard someone call his name. "Samuel! Samuel!" Samuel ran over to Eli, and he said, "I heard you calling me. What's up?" Now, for the record, he probably did not us those words, but I am telling the story, so, that's the way it's going to go. Eli said, "I didn't call you. Go back to sleep." So, Samuel went back. Now, let me break it down for you really quick. The person calling him was God. That's why this story is funny. I can just see God before-hand talking to his angels like, "Check this out. This'll be great--Samuel! Samuel!" Then Samuel gets up and is all confused, and he gets sent back to bed, and guess what? It happens again.

"Then the Lord called out again, "Samuel!" Again Samuel got up and went to Eli. "Here I am. Did you call me?" "I didn't call you, my son," Eli said. "Go back to bed." Samuel did not yet know the Lord because he had never had a message from the Lord before" (1 Samuel 3:6-7).

See, Samuel was not doing anything bad. Actually, he was doing what his boss, Eli, wanted him to do, but because of it, he was missing out on hearing God's voice. That is where Samuel, you, and I, that is where we all get it confused. We're doing the good things, the things people ask us to do, but we are not doing what God has called us to do. Let me put it another way-- we are getting so caught up doing the good things that we forget to do the God things. Samuel was so focused on doing what was asked of him, his job, he was so busy, that when someone called him all he could think was, "It must be Eli. It's time to work." He did not pause for a second to think that it could be God calling him.

If we are not listening for God's voice, we are not going to be doing the best things in the end, and we will get tired, and we will get worn-out. It is time for us, as God's people to learn to take a rest. One of my most favorite quotes right now is a tweet that I read by Louie Giglio. He said, "Sometimes, one of the most holy things that we can do is take a nap." If we are not intentional about slowing down and unclouding our heads, if we are not intentional about replenishing ourselves, if we are not intentional about taking the time to reflect on what God has to say to us, then we will get tired. Our minds may get so clouded with everything else, that we no longer leave space to hear what God has to say to us. It's time to learn to turn our mental switch away from the good things and onto the God things.

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